
Showing posts with the label business model transformation - The Future of Business model transformation is a Nigerian online travel aggregator platform modeled like Before existence, travelers contacted smaller travel agents to help with booking travel itinerary or contacted the airlines directly. business model was to help customers directly compare fares from different airlines and bypassing the smaller agents. This is a form of concentration from the once fragmented market. also has an affiliate program where smaller agents can book through the platform and get commissions. The organization has served mostly the Business-to-customer (B2C) travel sector. Although’s business model shows a certain level of concentration, it has fierce completion from other organizations in the industry like, which has a similar platform and the tech giant, Google, which has a travel search aggregator that compares fares from different sites as well. This shows that there is a lot more room for concentration in

How Creativity and innovation can transform Nigeria?

With more than a population of 180 million and the high level of poverty, Nigeria needs to rethink how to solves its own problems to grow its economy. Nigeria is import-dependent, rarely producing what is consumed within its borders, affecting the value of its currency Naira as well as making the cost of living expenses. However, there have been successes in certain newly formed industries in the past decades. Nollywood, Nigerian film and music industry, is the third largest in the world and has generated jobs and revenue for the country through creativity.  The initial movies that Nollywood produced were substandard when compared to Bollywood or Hollywood. Using the indigenous culture and languages, Nigerian film producers improved their imagination and creative confidence, producing better stories which are bringing in more revenues no withstanding other challenges. The Nigerian music industry has also grown such that Nigerians musicians are performing in world stages and