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Have you ever been in an interview where you were asked something that was a bit awkward? There are certain laws that prevent interviewer from asking such questioning other not to discriminate against a candidate or apply certain stereotypes. There is a law against discrimination based on age, race, gender, religion and much more. Interviewers could, however, try to get some of the information forms you indirectly but should not ask those directly and if you are asked, this should let you know the nature of the company or its human resources policy. The fact remains that it is your choice if you do answer these awkward questions or not. You should consider what the job really means to you, maybe you need the money. You can decide to answer it directly or indirectly as well, so instead of giving a specific number when asked “How old are you?”, you could say “people tell me I am way younger than my age” or you could ask “please help me understand how this helps me deliver the job?” Th